
Posts Tagged ‘blogging’

It’s true, I am a neglectful blogger. I haven’t really paid much attention to this thing as of late and so I have decided to do a bit of a renovation on the blog itself to better enable me to contribute to it on a more regular basis.

Gone now are the days of witty, sarcastic entries about jobs, job hunting, finding my way in life and then loosing it just as quick. No more posts about random gym visits and the concrete reality that I am indeed a “hard gainer” and will not now, nor in the foreseeable future start a cycle of anabolic steroids. No more rants about the Vancouver police’s merry band of drug dealing, prostitute visiting, binge drinking, disable person assaulting serial rapists, their bogus “recruiting” practices and a certain closeted lesbian detective with whom I’ve had the misfortune pleasure of encountering on a number of occasions. I’m moving on past bits on gay stereotypes and bites on trying to seek out a literary agent in favor of a more shameless approach to self-promotion.

As it stands now, I am still a mid late 20-something guy working as a make-up artist. I am still a writer. I am still a foodie. I figure that a recessionist (read: shorter and more visual) version of Degrees Of… will probably be more legible, more understood and ultimately more interesting than the previous long-winded and dare I say it, verbose essays of yester-month.

So dear and loyal reader, I will now be displaying a great deal more visual content and a great deal less “rant.” Sure, from time to time I might have an overwhelming urge to post an epic letter about something such as my hatred of Vancouver city transit’s insistence on using fabric seats, but mostly I’ll be sticking to putting up work from photo shoots, culinary experiments and the occasional fiction piece (book 2 is trucking along just fine actually).

I thank you for popping in from time to time and reading each piece in the past and I hope that as Degrees Of… evolves, you will continue to do so. It is because of you, gentle reader, that I continue to be inspired to do this.


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